You have to take it easy to exercise. Too much force is easy to hurt your kidneys.

  Facing the haunting Covid-19, more and more people realize that they must take the initiative to improve their immunity. Exercise and fitness is undoubtedly one of the most popular choices. In addition to keeping fit, from shining vest line, touching navel with backhand, to drying A4 waist, showing body has also become the driving force of fitness people’s efforts. However, although exercise is good, don’t use too much force, otherwise it is easy to accidentally hurt the kidney.

  The real case tells you that excessive fitness "brings trouble" to the kidney.

  Women are sent to the rescue room for squats. "Squats" is a common means to test their physical fitness, and it is not uncommon for them to go to the hospital because of excessive squats. Miss Yang participated in the company’s outward bound training. She usually didn’t do much exercise, but in order to perform well, she did hundreds of squats in one breath, which surprised her teammates and opponents. However, for this honor, Miss Yang also paid a painful price. On the second day after exercise, she felt sore all over, and her urine color was like strong tea. She was rushed to the hospital by her family. Emergency tests found that the creatine kinase in her body exceeded the normal value by more than 1,000 times, and rhabdomyolysis was diagnosed and rescued.

  Push-ups for boys with renal failure Push-ups are the most common exercise to exercise physical strength and endurance, and people do push-ups when they disagree. Mr. Chen, 23, and several friends PK push-ups, initially agreed to do 80, but the result was not a winner, "continue to compare." Fifteen minutes later, the big guys were defeated one after another, leaving only Mr. Chen to stick to the end. At that time, Mr. Chen only felt a little sore in his arm. The next night, his body began to ache, his arm was difficult to lift, and his urine became darker. Because of his busy work, he didn’t pay attention to it. On the fifth day, Mr. Chen found that the symptoms became more and more serious, his whole body was sore and weak, and his urine was like soy sauce. After being taken to the hospital by ambulance, the doctor found that his kidney function had been damaged.

  The above two cases belong to non-traumatic fatigue rhabdomyolysis caused by excessive exercise, which refers to a group of clinical syndromes that all kinds of excessive exercise lead to skeletal muscle injury, myolysis and destruction, and skeletal muscle cell contents (such as enzymes, potassium, phosphorus, creatinine and myoglobin) are released into the blood circulation. In severe cases, it is often complicated with acute renal failure and even multiple organ dysfunction.

  These symptoms indicate that the amount of exercise exceeds the standard.

  Rhabdomyolysis is characterized by muscle involvement such as limb pain, tenderness, swelling and weakness after a large number of exercises, as well as inflammatory reactions such as fever, general fatigue and increased proportion of white blood cells and neutrophils. Judging from the appearance of the patient’s urine, it is brown or soy sauce-colored urine. About 30% of this disease will have acute kidney injury. When the kidney injury is serious, oliguria, urine and other azotemia’s manifestations can be seen.

  Therefore, it is recommended that you rest for more than 24 hours after a lot of exercise, but your muscles are getting sore and tired, and your urine is getting darker and darker. You must go to the hospital immediately. Acute renal failure is likely to result from the continuous progress of the disease. Acute renal failure caused by excessive exercise, most of them can recover completely if they go to the hospital in time. If they see a doctor without urine, it will be too late, and the damaged renal function may be irreversible.

  How to judge excessive exercise and what are the signs of rhabdomyolysis?

  Symptom 1: After normal exercise, it is mild muscle soreness, and pressing muscles will not cause pain. If you have obvious muscle pain, soreness and tenderness after exercise, you must be vigilant.

  Symptom 2: After normal exercise, people will become refreshed, while excessive exercise will make people weak and tired.

  Symptom 3: Normal urine is clear and slightly yellow in color. If urine is like strong tea and soy sauce, you need to be alert to rhabdomyolysis.

  Remember these five points to guard against sports injury "kidney"

  In the process of daily fitness and exercise, we can prevent kidney injury by grasping the following five points:

  1. Exercise should be gradual, which requires proper warm-up. Intense exercise and sudden exercise after a long period of inactivity are the most likely to cause injuries.

  2. Exercise according to your ability. There is no obvious discomfort such as fatigue, shortness of breath and chest tightness after the exercise. On the contrary, it means that you exercise too much.

  3. Protect the digestive system. Attention should be paid to protecting the gastrointestinal tract when exercising at night, and the interval between exercise time and meal time should be at least one hour. After exercise, it is not appropriate to drink plenty of water immediately, and the method of "drinking less for many times" should be adopted.

  4. Manage chronic diseases. The trend of rejuvenation of chronic diseases is becoming more and more serious. Many young friends are busy with their work and don’t pay enough attention to their own physical condition. Patients with chronic nephritis, hypertension and diabetes need to review their tests regularly and formulate their own exercise methods according to the test results.

  5. Pay attention to balanced nutrition. The way of nutritional supplement after exercise varies from person to person, and patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, liver disease and kidney disease can’t take a lot of protein powder.

  Text/Ren Jianwei Gao Tongxin (Aviation General Hospital)

In hot summer, this bowl of life-saving sugar water relieves summer heat and tonifies qi.

Original click on the starboard food table on the right

After a rain, time turned to the summer page again. The summer heat attacks people, and the rainstorm always comes unannounced. In this weather, drinking water does not quench your thirst at all. What I want to drink is still a bowl of refreshing and cooling that strengthens the spleen and removes dampness, moistens the lungs and dries.

Qingbuliang is found all over Lingnan, and Lingnan people also like to drink Qingbuliang. In ancient times, the south was humid and miasma, especially in summer. At the same time, people’s yang is all leaked out, and their heart is damaged, so Lingnan people use a bowl of Qingbuliang to replenish qi and protect their hearts.

Qing Bu Liang is really "Dongpo’s favorite"?

In fact, there is no evidence to test the origin of Qing Bu Liang, and there is no record of Qing Bu Liang in ancient books. There are only two legends circulating among the people. First, when Zhao Tuo led Qin Shihuang to order the pacify of Lingnan, the army became ill, and the army medics made a medicated diet, which can recover after drinking. Zhao Tuo praised this kind of medicated diet: "The food can clear the heat and replenish the vitality, which can be called clearing and cooling."

China’s medicated diet culture has a long history, which can be traced back to the period of the Yellow Emperor. Although this story can’t be found in ancient books, it doesn’t rule out the possibility.

Su Shi

Another folklore about Qingbuliang is about Qingbuliang in Hainan. There is an allusion written on the walls of many Qingbuliang shops in Hainan: "In 1097, when Su Dongpo, a famous writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, was exiled to Hainan, he tasted the coconut milk made by the local people and was very impressed. He praised it on the spot: nectar was picked on the coconut tree and a bowl of white jade was brought. Since then, Su Dongpo must eat a bowl every day during his stay in Joan, which is Dongpo’s favorite! "

However, the origin of this allusion is unknown, and in the Complete Works of Su Dongpo and the research literature on Su Shi, there is no clearing and cooling in all the Lingnan scenery mentioned by Su Shi.

At the same time, before the Coconut Tree Group solved the two major problems of "oil-water separation" and "protein coagulation" in 1988, the production of "coconut juice (milk)" relied on essence blending. That is to say, in the Song Dynasty without edible essence, it is impossible to have "coconut milk".

Therefore, the legend that Su Shi ate coconut milk to make it cool, like the legend that Ganlong ate every snack bar in the south of the Yangtze River, is probably just a story fabricated by merchants for publicity.

But in the past few days, I have different views on this "fabrication". Danzhou, that is, Hainan, is the last stop of Su Shi’s relegation, and also the poorest and uncivilized.

In Hainan, Su Shi "has no meat to eat, no medicine for illness, no room to live in, no friends to go out, no charcoal in winter and no cold spring in summer". However, Su Shi, who said "who wrote geography and geography in other years, Hainan is my hometown forever" and "I am a native of Hainan and live in Xishu Prefecture", is undoubtedly really in love with Hainan.

Su Shi has trained a large number of talents for Hainan. At the same time, Hainan people, who were originally "neither wheat nor millet" and avoided believing in medicine, also began to pay attention to farming and medicine under the leadership of Su Shi.

The people of Hainan really love Su Shi, and they help him build a house and provide him with food and clothing when they are not rich. There is no distinction between the government and the people, and they are completely equal friends.

So many officials have been demoted to Hainan, but now only Su Shi has left Dongpo Village, Dongpo Well, Dongpo Field, Dongpo Road, Dongpo Bridge and Dongpo Hat in Hainan, and even the language has "Dongpo Dialect".

Therefore, behind the "fabrication" is actually the memory of Su Shi by Hainan people, so when they "climb high" their products, they thought of Su Shi at the first time. Or, Hainan people really think, "If only Su Shi, who has been suffering all his life, could have a bowl of refreshing food every day."

Hainan, Guangdong and Guangxi, the top three compete for hegemony.

There are two main schools of clearing and cooling: the dessert school in Qionggui and the soup school in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. The two factions developed from different local customs, each with its own fans.

Hainan absorbs the specialties of Guangdong and Guangxi, and integrates its own innovation, and now it has become one of the must-eat snacks in the local area, which is deeply loved by tourists from all over the world. Mung beans, coix seed, peanuts and other ingredients not only retain the health-care effect, but also add coconut milk rich in local resources and macaroni drifting from other places, which is a bit unexpected at first sight, but immediately turns into iron powder after tasting it.

I remember going to Sanya on a business trip a few years ago. Before I left, I asked my fellow friends what they wanted to eat for the last meal. My friends said, "All right, but after eating, I have to drink a bowl to cool down."

The practice of clearing and cooling in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is more nourishing, and it is cooked into old fire soup with ingredients such as yam, lotus seeds, red dates and barley. The form is eclectic, depending on how you want to make up or local habits. The common practice will be accompanied by Polygonatum odoratum, Radix Adenophorae and Coicis Semen, focusing on invigorating qi and moistening lung.

Laomeicheng people are generally equipped with medlar and tremella which can regulate cardiovascular function. The biggest difference from the "dessert pie" is that the Qingbuliang in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has not only sweet syrup, but also a Qingbuliang soup with various meat ingredients and a salty mouth. Pork for relieving cough and chicken for tonifying kidney are all excellent.

In Guangxi, the hometown of fruits created by monsoon climate chose to add fruits to Qingbuliang. Diners choose a variety of seasonal fruits according to their own preferences, and then add Xiancao and white bean jelly to make desserts similar to fruit mixed ice.

White bean jelly is a characteristic of refreshing and refreshing in Guangxi, which is rarely seen in other places.

Listening to the name, some people will think it is the white bean jelly in northern Sichuan, but it seems that others will think it is the ice powder eaten by Sichuan and Chongqing. Actually, it’s all different. White bean jelly is made of konjac flour, which is crystal clear and a little more elastic than ice powder.

Guangxi people will call Xiancao black bean jelly. This black and white bean jelly is matched with iced fruit, resulting in a constantly fluctuating taste level.

This is what Lingnan people love. It can be the "taste of childhood" in a tin lunch box, the "concern" brought by my mother after a hard day’s home, or the "small luxury" of sharing a street stall with my friends after school. It is a small supporting role that often exists in the beautiful memories of Lingnan people.

Make a bowl at home in midsummer.

Finally, I will offer you the practices of clearing and replenishing cool in Guangdong and Hainan. If you don’t want to read the text, you can click on the video to learn.

Guangdong style refreshing and cooling (5 persons):

Ingredients: 15g of tremella, 25g of coix seed, 10g of lily, 10g of Polygonatum odoratum, 10g of adenophora, 15g of yam, 20g of lotus seeds, 8 red dates, 5g of medlar and 120g of yellow rock sugar.

Practice: White fungus is soaked in warm water and then cut into small pieces. Stir-fry Coicis Semen with low fire for 2-3 minutes, then add Tremella, Lily, Polygonatum odoratum, Radix Adenophorae, Rhizoma Dioscoreae, Lotus seeds and 2000g purified water, and simmer for 30 minutes. Add red dates, medlar and yellow rock sugar, and stew for 10 minutes.

Hainan Qingbuliang (10 persons):

Ingredients: 300 grams of rock sugar, 400 ml of coconut milk, 200 grams of red beans, 200 grams of mung beans, 200 grams of coix seed, 200 grams of paederia scandens, 200 grams of white gourd coix seed, 200 grams of macaroni, 200 grams of turtle paste, appropriate amount of cooked peanuts, appropriate amount of raisins, appropriate amount of sweet corn and appropriate amount of watermelon.

Practice: add 1200 grams of pure water to rock sugar and boil it into sugar water, then take it out and let it cool. Take three empty bowls filled with water, put in red beans, mung beans and coix seed respectively, and steam for 1 hour. Put the chicken excrement into the water, cook for 5 minutes on medium heat, and remove the supercooled water. Put wax gourd and barley in water, cook for 5 minutes on medium heat, and remove the cold water. Soak macaroni in water for 10 minutes in advance, put it in water, cook for 10 minutes on medium heat, and remove the supercooled water. Combine all the ingredients according to your preference, and serve.


1. Lu Honghong. "Study on Su Shi’s Lingnan Landscape Poetry"

2. Claire Kuo. "Summer cooling materials are selected according to physical fitness."

3. Liu Na. "When you arrive in Hainan Island, you should taste" Qingbuliang ""

4. "Summer Snacks Clear and Cool Special Food is Famous"

5. Huang Xu. "Clear and Cool in the South of the Sea"

6. Kui Ming. "Good Dietotherapy" Qingbuliang "

7. Gao Xianfeng. Study on Sugar Water in Guangdong.

8. Yang Zaixi. After living in exile for three years, I caught a glimpse-what did Su Shi leave for Hainan? 》

9. Mutual Bright Technology. "By selling coconut juice, he became a state-secret state banquet drink, and earned 4 billion yuan a year for enterprises that will go bankrupt."

10. Su Shi. Complete Works of Su Dongpo

11. Hui Hong. "Cold Zhai Night Talk"

Wen | taro

Figure | Siyu & Some pictures are from the Internet.

Original title: "On a hot summer day, this bowl of life-saving sugar water relieves summer heat and nourishes qi! 》

Read the original text

Zhao Ruirui, Olympic champion and former national player of women’s volleyball, published a new book! Interview several generations of volleyball players and write about the past events of volleyball.

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, the 32nd Olympic Games finally opened after a year’s delay. Zhao Ruirui, a former Olympic champion and former national player of the women’s volleyball team, saw Zhu Ting, the captain of the women’s volleyball team, leading the China delegation into the stadium at the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games. "I’m really excited. That’s the pride and pride of being a sportsman and a volleyball player."
A few days ago, Zhao Ruirui’s new book "Volleyball Soul" was officially launched by Yilin Publishing House. This is her first novel after publishing her autobiography three years ago, and it is also the first time that a volleyball player in China has written about the past events of volleyball. Zhao Ruirui once won the women’s volleyball World Cup in 2003 and the Athens Olympic Games in 2004 with his teammates, and is one of the representatives of the "golden generation" of women’s volleyball in China.
After retiring, although Zhao Ruirui left the field, he did not leave volleyball. In her opinion, volleyball players have so many wonderful stories, and everyone’s experience is worth writing a book. She should do something to record these stories. To this end, she determined the interview objectives in advance and planned the interview itinerary. Because there are many people to interview and the location is not concentrated, in addition to visiting her home, she also took advantage of the opportunity of women’s volleyball party or being invited to watch the game to have an in-depth conversation with the interviewees.
After traveling around Beijing, Hongkong and Hangzhou, Zhao Ruirui completed in-depth interviews with several generations of volleyball players, including Yuan Weimin, Lang Ping, Chen Zhonghe, Feng Kun and Wang Yimei, recorded their emotions and stories, and interpreted the volleyball spirit from the perspective of witnesses. 2021 is the 40th anniversary of China women’s volleyball team winning the world championship for the first time. The publication of the book "Volleyball Soul" is not only a retrospect of the past glory, but also an inheritance and promotion of the volleyball spirit.
Zhao Ruirui and Chen Zhonghe, photographed at the 2002 Asian Games in Busan.
The first athlete to publish a novel.
Won the global Chinese nebula award.
Zhao Ruirui was born in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province in 1981. At the age of 18, he was selected for the national women’s volleyball team. After more than ten years’ national team career, he won numerous honors. Head coach Chen Zhonghe once rated Zhao Ruirui as "one of the best vice attacks of China women’s volleyball team". Zhao Ruirui’s height of 1.97 meters also won her the reputation of "the tallest women’s volleyball team in China" at that time. Head coach Lang Ping said that Zhao Ruirui’s height is a big advantage of China women’s volleyball team. With her, our blocking is very efficient, which is very important for the China team.
As an athlete, Zhao Ruirui was very interested in literature, especially science fiction and fantasy literature. After retiring, she chose to devote herself to literary creation. In 2011, Zhao Ruirui published a long fantasy novel "Awakening in the End", becoming the first athlete in China to publish a long original novel. In 2012, he published the novel Colorful Feather, and won the Best Long Silver Award in the 4th Global Chinese nebula Award. In 2016, Zhao Ruirui published a long fantasy novel, Dream in a Dream.
After publishing several novels, Zhao Ruirui published his autobiography "The Darker the Night, the More Stars Shine" in 2018, and looked back on his volleyball career. Zhao Ruirui is not satisfied with just recording her own story. She also wants to record the feelings and stories of more volleyball players and let more people know. Therefore, she started her own interview trip and finally wrote "Volleyball Soul".
China women’s volleyball team celebrates winning the 2003 World Cup.
In-depth interviews with several generations of volleyball players,
Inheriting the Spirit of Women Volleyball Team with Precious Historical Materials
The interviewees of the book Volleyball Soul cover the representative figures in China volleyball field, from Yuan Weimin and Lang Ping in the period of five consecutive championships to Chen Zhonghe and Feng Kun in the period of reaching the peak of women’s volleyball in this century, with more than ten famous volleyball players, which can be described as the stars shining. Different from ordinary journalists, as a member of China Women’s Volleyball Team, Zhao Ruirui’s interview topics are more professional and in-depth, and the interviewees are more able to open their hearts in front of her.
Starting from the interview materials, Zhao Ruirui wrote about the past events of volleyball as a witness, not only looking back on the glory of China women’s volleyball team’s five consecutive championships, but also struggling to climb to the top of the world with coaches and teammates: Yuan Weimin devoted all his enthusiasm and life’s heat to the life of volleyball, Chen Zhonghe’s experience from accompanying coach to "champion coach", Lang Ping’s precious and wonderful coaching, and Sun Yue’s insistence on his responsibilities and duties. Hao yang’s persistent heart because of his deep love, Feng Kun’s transnational love caused by volleyball, Zhou Suhong’s unwilling personality as a "cannon", Wang Yimei’s unadorned purity and truth as a "little tail", Tang Miao’s mental journey of suffering but optimistic recovery …
Zhao Ruirui recorded many details in the training competition in the book, most of which are unknown. For example, Chen Zhonghe "criticizes more than praises" in daily training. With a kind face, he always "uses various’ methods’ to attack the players" to sharpen their minds. It was not until the team was dissolved that he personally praised this group of players and the players knew his good intentions. For example, after Lang Ping coached the American women’s volleyball team, he deeply understood the differences in training and competition attitudes between Chinese and American players. When he took over the China women’s volleyball team again, he understood the mission and pressure of the players … Zhao Ruirui wrote about all aspects of volleyball players from the perspective of "players in the game" and told many unknown details to show readers a more real and three-dimensional image of volleyball players.
"Volleyball Soul" restored the feelings and stories of several generations of China volleyball players, and made readers further understand the fighting spirit of women’s volleyball team and the sense of mission of China volleyball players, and also left a precious historical material for China volleyball. Zhao Ruirui said that from the very beginning, writing simply for the record, slowly, I feel that this is not a simple record task, but an inexplicable strong mission. "It’s my love for volleyball and my deepest empathy for volleyball players that gives me the purest motivation, so that I can keep the real history and extract some of its essence."
China women’s volleyball team won the World Cup for the first time.
60 precious photos reproduce brilliant moments,
Looking back on the 40-year struggle of volleyball players in China
"Volleyball Soul" contains a total of 60 precious photos, most of which were provided by respondents and have never been made public before. These photos not only include the photos of the five-time champion women’s volleyball team when they won the World Cup for the first time, but also the photos of the women’s volleyball team in China after winning the World Cup in 2003. They also record the hard work and heroic spirit of several generations of volleyball players in the training ground and on the field. It is the tears and sweat of generations of volleyball players that make China women’s volleyball team a beautiful memory of Chinese people.
China Women’s Volleyball Team is one of the most recognized sports groups in China, and it has attracted much attention in the Tokyo Olympic Games. China women’s volleyball team won the title of "the most beautiful struggler" at the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, and the influence of "women’s volleyball spirit" has already surpassed sports itself. The Soul of Volleyball, which is about the spirit of women’s volleyball, was also recommended by the press conference of key publications of Jiangsu Province.
China women’s volleyball team and all volleyball players have shown the spirit of motherland first, unity and cooperation, tenacious struggle and never give up in the course of 40 years’ struggle, which has become a spiritual symbol to inspire Chinese people to continue their struggle and strive for self-improvement. As Zhao Ruirui wrote in the preface of Volleyball Soul: "The spirit of women’s volleyball is actually the first step without hesitation, but also the countless steps of perseverance; It is the fighting spirit that never gives up in adversity, and it is also the will that never gives up in difficulties. "
Red Star journalist Chen Mou
Editor Li Jie
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Smith’s "concussion" poster warns doctors against rugby league.

??1905 movie network news Concussion, a sports movie starring will smith, recently released its first poster and trailer. On the poster, Smith stood in front of a wall composed of football players’ helmets, thoughtfully. He seems to be caught in a huge dilemma.

The first trailer almost told the whole content of the film. In the trailer, will smith, a brain surgeon, discovered the reasons why rugby players committed suicide one after another after scanning and dissecting the players’ brains. He wants to stand up for the athletes, but his actions are bound to be banned by the top management of the NFL. The dilemma then appeared, and he chose to stand on the side of athletes and victims. And in doing so, it will certainly put him in jail. Smith’s acting skills in the film are the biggest attraction.

According to the real events and characters, the doctor played by Smith is called Bennet Omalu, who is a well-known expert in cranial nerve kinematics. At that time, the article he published with another co-author caused an uproar among the American people and the football world. After a great deal of research and theoretical modeling, these two experts exposed a shocking truth. That is, every professional football player has to experience countless brain impacts in the course of his long career. Some people will have dizziness, trembling and other symptoms, while others will have some symptoms of serious brain sports injuries, which will bring some football players into the result of suicide.

The film was directed by Peter Landesman. His first film in 2013 was also a film adapted from a real event, and he participated in the Venice Film Festival in 2013. At present, "Concussion" has been scheduled to be released this Christmas. There is no doubt that the goal of the film is the award season.

The refund rate is 18.1%! The movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has more than 1 million refunds.

On December 19th, according to many domestic media reports, the box office of the movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Stars" exceeded 70 million on the first day of pre-sale.It broke the record of 59.55 million yuan on the first day of pre-sale in Detective Chinatown 3 and became the highest-grossing Chinese film on the first day of pre-sale.

However, the ticketing platform shows that the number of refunds for "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has exceeded 1 million.The refund rate is 18.1%.Some netizens think that the pre-sale box office of the film is "filled with water".

The refund rate is 18.1%! The movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has more than 1 million refunds.

According to data, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle, Twinkle

Film critics said that the film crew of Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars is good at using filters to create a sense of youth and literature. The beautiful lighthouse, retro style, and the affectionate eyes of the hero and the youthful face value of the heroine all add a lot of tenderness to this film.

After watching this drama, some viewers said that this is the youth we are familiar with. There are regrets and misses, and we can always find some charm of last romance from those missed pasts.

The refund rate is 18.1%! The movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Bright Stars" has more than 1 million refunds.

Educational "anxiety"

China Economic Weekly reporter Shi Qingchuan | Chongqing Report

"The XSC contest of BS is about to begin." "We are SA." "How to choose QLZ and CQT?" These abbreviations and codes may not be understood by outsiders, but if parents of primary school students in Chongqing are familiar with these abbreviations, they can even form barrier-free reading with automatic brain conversion.

In fact, these are all acronyms for "Xiaoshengchu" in choosing schools. For example, XSC is "Xiaoshengchu". But I don’t know when the word "Xiaoshengchu" seems to have become a forbidden word, and parents and educational institutions are afraid to call them by their first names. Behind these three letters, it is the educational "anxiety" that is hard to hide.

"Olympiad Mathematics" and "Landing"

On November 3, when Teacher Zhai told Bowen that he might not be able to come to class this week because of the big inspection above, Bowen felt a little ironic. Just three days ago, the teacher Zhai vowed to assure him: "Our training class has survived through’ double reduction’ and has contact with the competent authorities. It is absolutely impossible to suspend classes or run away." And just three days later, this guarantee was broken.

Bowen is a Buddhist parent. He has always been adhering to the principle of "happy childhood" in the education of his children, and has never given extra lessons to children who are studying in primary schools until this year when they enter the third grade.

The change is due to the parent group. During the summer vacation this year, a parent asked other parents in the group if they knew a high-quality tutoring institution for "Olympic Mathematics". At first, the blog post was not taken seriously. He felt that the use of "Olympic Mathematics" was limited in real life. If a child is very interested in logical thinking, it is ok to learn and cultivate interest. There is no need for ordinary students to increase this burden. But three months later, Bowen discovered the mystery behind the Olympiad.

Bowen thought that the previous parents gave up without finding a good institution, but the fact is just the opposite. There are more and more parents in the group who send their children to learn "Olympic Mathematics". Parents once again talked about "Olympic Mathematics" learning because the "Olympic Mathematics" training class is dividing students into classes. A parent in the group said that the No.2 class of an institution has the opportunity to "go ashore" before the fifth grade, and the chance of being assigned to Class 4 is very slim. "Go ashore" is the most frequently mentioned word among parents, which means that you have got the admission quota of a key middle school. Some students have "landed" in the fourth grade of primary school, while others have "landed" in the fifth grade, while those who "landed" in the sixth grade have already taken the last bus. "Olympiad" is the key to "landing".

A parent in the group told Bowen that many key junior high schools will conduct selection exams outside the school. Most of the mathematics subjects in the exams are "Olympiad", and students who meet the score requirements will get the "admission ticket" of the school. The parents also revealed that if the child is gifted and begins to learn "Olympic Mathematics" in the summer vacation of grade one, he will have the opportunity to "go ashore" in the next semester of grade four, and in the remaining two years, the child can choose to do some extracurricular interest study, or travel around the mountains, or even start the junior high school course directly, so as to be admitted to key high schools later.

This kind of situation was unexpected by the blog post. The "Olympiad", which was originally thought to have no practical value, turned into a "shortcut" for children to get to key middle schools. This also made Bowen panic. He began to think about whether his children can have equal opportunities if others are occupying places in key middle schools in this way, and whether they should also make up for the "Olympic Mathematics".

It didn’t take long for the idea to turn into action. After the National Day holiday, a tutorial institution directly contacted the blog post. The other party accurately reported the name, age and primary school name of Bowen’s children by telephone, and told Bowen that many students in the primary school where their children were studying were tutoring in their institutions.

A classroom that can only be accessed by stairs

The interview with the teachers of the tutorial institutions is last weekend. The teacher who called Bowen to promote the course said that they mainly attend classes on weekends, so they can take their children to experience the classroom atmosphere and see if they can adapt.

The tutorial institution is in a dilapidated building, with only 12 floors, and there is an elevator with creaking doors upstairs and downstairs. The second and third floors are apartment-style hotels, and there are beauty salons and offices of engineering companies upstairs, among which several training institutions are mixed. The teacher who contacted Bowen told him to take the elevator to the 11th floor, then contact him by phone, and someone would pick him up.

After arriving at the 11th floor, Bowen found that this is not a tutorial institution, but an adult vocational training school. Just about to go in, a middle-aged man stopped him at the door: "I’m Teacher Sun, didn’t I just call?" After receiving a positive reply from Bowen, Mr. Sun took Bowen to the stairwell and then reached the 12th floor through the stairs. Bowen saw that in the elevator room, the elevator door on the 12th floor was tightly locked by a fence. Teacher Sun explained, "The elevator is broken today, so we have to come up the stairs. So let you go to the 11th floor first. "

After entering this classroom, other teachers locked the big door and turned off the lights in the reception area at the door. "We don’t have classes today, so the doors are locked." Maybe I saw that Bowen didn’t bring the children with him. Teacher Sun gave an explanation that contradicted the previous statement.

After entering a small classroom, Bowen came straight to the point and asked, "You also know why we are learning Olympic Mathematics, so I asked directly, what are the chances of getting into a key junior high school by training Olympic Mathematics here?"

Teacher Sun still looked very cautious. He looked at the blog post up and down, poured a glass of water and asked questions about the students. "Children didn’t come with you today? We should also look at whether a student is suitable for studying’ Olympic Mathematics’ according to his foundation. Some foundations are too poor, and we will feel that there is no need to make up. Only parents can think of other ways. "

As Bowen told what he had learned from his parents, Mr. Sun began to reveal: "We will promote students according to their learning conditions. According to our curriculum plan, children can finish these’ Olympic Mathematics’ courses in the fifth grade, and then they can take the exam through our promotion." He revealed that teaching and training institutions have cooperated with many junior high schools, such as the so-called Dragon Ball, the first echelon in Chongqing, some famous schools with the second echelon, and even some key districts, and their institutions have channels to promote excellent students. As long as you learn to brush the questions in the institution and reach a certain score, the institution will arrange to take the exam in junior high school.

"We can arrange the brushing questions according to the children’s level, and only brush the questions from the junior high school to be tested. After they finish the exam, we can get these real questions within a few days. You can rest assured in this regard." Teacher Sun also intentionally or unintentionally revealed the close relationship between his institution and the school. "It doesn’t matter even if we don’t get in the final exam. We also have direct channels to spend money (go to school)."

A shopping mall full of educational institutions

Due to the cramped classrooms and too many one-time purchase courses, Bowen didn’t confirm his registration that day. In the next few days, Bowen began to receive frequent invitation calls for tutoring "Olympic Mathematics". They may show off more than 70% of their institutions’ "landing rate", or show their institutions’ safe class environment. Some even start to step on other institutions, and some institutions directly pull blog posts into the "Xiaoshengchu" push test resource group.

The second organization that Bowen visited was slightly larger, and the classroom was in the shopping mall in the business district. Bowen turned around this shopping mall a few years ago, but when he came back a few years later, it was completely different here. The original clothing stores and department stores are almost gone, and the occasional one is piled up in a mess, like a temporary warehouse. In sharp contrast, there are closely arranged teaching and training institutions in shopping malls. In addition to the children’s playground on the ground floor, almost two-thirds of the stores on each floor are teaching and training institutions, with street dance, calligraphy, programming, painting, Go and so on, and even the atrium open space is a venue for learning roller skating.

The institution that Bowen went to see is also located among them. Although the signboard at the door is hung with calligraphy, science and other interests in learning, the "Xiaoshengchu" math exercise placed at the front desk implies that there is Gan Kun.

At first, Bowen had a very good impression on this institution. Compared with the classroom where the door was locked before, it was brighter here, and the business license hanging in the obvious position at the front desk also reassured Bowen a lot.

But by the time of class, Bowen found himself thinking simply. The classroom displayed was used for calligraphy classes. Teacher Zhai, who is in charge of reception, led Bowen and the students into the fire escape. After going up one floor through the fire escape, he entered a fire door with a sign "Parents are not allowed to enter" at the door. Behind the door sat a man dressed as a security guard. He stared warily at the fire door that was only opened on one side. The classroom environment inside the door is as bad as that of the previous institution.

This also made Bowen worry once again that another round of "double reduction" inspection is coming, and is there any risk that the institution will be shut down?

The "Xiaoshengchu" enrollment training organized by an institution is mainly aimed at parents of students.

Parents are not allowed in the classroom.

Teachers who do odd jobs

On August 23rd, the Ministry of Education promulgated the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishment of Off-campus Training, and announced that it would come into force on October 15th, 2023. Teacher Liu Teng, who is doing K12 tutoring, seems a little dismissive of this matter: "Punish it and see how long it can be punished."

In fact, Liu Teng is not completely indifferent. Just a few months ago, he went through the running of the teaching and training institution where he worked, and his salary for several months was therefore lost. This change instantly made Liu Teng, who was carrying a mortgage and a car loan, at a loss. Since the beginning of this year, Liu Teng has changed three educational institutions. Every time he feels that the company is closing down, he begins to look for new opportunities. However, even if he is so careful, he has not been spared this time. "When I first joined the company and haven’t adapted to the rhythm, the company closed." Liu Teng said that fortunately, there are many people in the company, and dozens of teachers are running with them in the front line of salary.

Liu Teng and others organized a WeChat group to exchange the latest information about salary-seeking every week. At first, some teachers invited lawyers to take legal channels. As time went by, many teachers focused on finding new jobs. After all, it was more urgent to support their families. "The legal representative of the company has no money, and the money of the institution is given priority to the students. It is our turn to have extra money. Our wages are basically lost. " A teacher said in the group.

Although the money won’t come back, life will continue. Liu Teng said that finding an educational institution now makes him feel unsafe, but the person who has been a teacher for almost 20 years is over the age limit, and it is basically impossible to get into a public school. Now he only has to "do odd jobs" temporarily to support his family.

"Doing odd jobs" means going to students’ homes for scattered "one-on-one" counseling through various channels. Such teachers are not uncommon. Liu Teng and others also formed a WeChat group, and each teacher in the group has his own student resources, forming an information network. In this network, people who need make-up lessons only need to give the students’ grades, make-up courses and approximate locations, and teachers will accept the entrustment. Some people earn class fees, others earn information fees, and "Liu Tengmen" get their income after unemployment through this network of contacts.

When there is no entrustment, these WeChat groups are like a mutual help group, and teachers will exchange exam questions and study materials in the group. Recently, however, they have been talking more about the implementation of the new punishment method on October 15th.

"The new regulations on the 15th mainly depend on where the specific executive department is. If the Education Commission executes the punishment, then I will hide; If it is the education Committee that unites with the community to implement the punishment, then I will be ready for the money. " The person in charge of a small K12 education and training institution privately said that this is how the "double reduction" came about. The large institutions were hit more obviously. To avoid the joint law enforcement of the education commission and other departments, the small institutions mainly dealt with the grid workers in the community. "Just prepare the money. This time I prepared 800,000 yuan to see if it was enough to punish me several times."

Avoid inspection, but also guard against unannounced visits to reporters.

Although the day of October 15 was not any different from before, the big inspection came as scheduled. On November 4th, Liu Teng’s group sent out a screenshot of the meeting minutes of an educational institution whose name was erased. The educational institution reminded: "From November 4th (Saturday) to November 9th (Thursday), all institutions will be closed. This inspection involves many departments, and points will be deducted if there are problems; If the institution is found to have problems, it will immediately issue a ticket and revoke the relevant qualifications. At the same time, guard against unannounced visits to reporters. It is best not to put the front desk when closing the door. People who come to check will set up various traps to ask questions; At this stage, the telephone entrance is well closed, and there can be no subject-related. It is best to stop all the telephones. Most of the problems are problems with the consultation port. "

The "odd job" teacher circle instantly exploded. A teacher revealed that there was a gossip that Beijing sent someone to inspect it, so it was so strict. Another teacher immediately said that all the off-campus institutions in Yubei District have been suspended. Another teacher said that the signal was cut off when he was online. The next day, another teacher said that he was visited when he was making up lessons for three children in his own home, but there was no fine and no registration, only the students were sent home.

For a time, all kinds of news came one after another. But Liu Teng is used to it, and he thinks it’s no big deal, because it was the same after the introduction of "double reduction" at that time, as long as the news passed, it would be "business as usual".

However, the "Olympic Mathematics" class that Bowen reported to his children was affected. Only three days ago did the teacher Zhai swear to himself that it was impossible for the school to suspend classes and run away. However, today’s situation can’t help but make Bowen feel ironic and scared. He thinks that whether the organization runs away or is closed down, the refund of fees may become a big problem.

"In fact, it is not so troublesome to refund the fee now." The person in charge of the above-mentioned small K12 teaching and training institutions revealed that many teaching and training institutions had expanded rapidly before, and invested their tuition fees in campus expansion and marketing promotion, which led to difficulties in suddenly shutting down the refund fee. However, after a round of "double reduction", many institutions stopped campus expansion, and the marketing and promotion of small institutions mainly focused on telemarketing and bringing new products to parents, and the cost dropped. "As long as we don’t refund the fees centrally, the problem is not big."

With so many uncertain factors, why should we be a teaching and training institution? The person in charge of the above-mentioned small K12 education and training institution smiled helplessly: "My own children are also making up the Olympic Mathematics. The demand in the market is so great that we can’t all go to public schools for education. "

"Who doesn’t want a degree in their jurisdiction to be valuable?"

In fact, it is not easy to "junior high school" through training such as "Olympic Mathematics". According to Teacher Sun’s description to the blog post, the "Xiaoshengchu" exam is essentially "pinching the tip", looking for a better individual among a group of excellent children.

"The policies of reducing the burden and’ double reduction’ have reduced the difficulty of teaching school courses, making all children look excellent, and primary schools can reach more than 95 points. How can we find the better group of students?" Teacher Sun said that each school will organize its own selection examination, some famous schools will choose their own students, and some schools will form alliances to jointly issue questions. There are also many classifications of these exams, some of which will be ranked directly and admitted on the basis of merit. This kind of exam is called "one pass", and this kind of school is the easiest to "land". Some will have multiple rounds of exams. After the first round of Chinese mathematics scores, they will take a variety of things, such as physical chemistry, on-site teaching, and on-site direct exams to test students’ learning ability. For example, some schools have interviews, and teachers who have had interviews have asked students about the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the world, not to get answers, but to test students’ adaptability and on-the-spot reasoning ability. " Another teacher from a teaching and training institution revealed that there are also interviews with parents, but they are rare in Chongqing, and most of them are assessments of students in various dimensions. "In this respect, we will also carry out some simple training for students according to our own experience."

"So choosing a school is also very particular." Teacher Sun said that "Xiaoshengchu" seems to be choosing junior high school, but it is actually choosing high school. He persuaded Bowen that "Xiaoshengchu" should try not to choose a school without a high school when choosing a junior high school, because there are both junior high schools and high schools, and the high school has some pertinence for the admission of junior high schools.

At the same time, Mr. Sun also dismissed the idea that Bowen chose a school through the school district. He revealed that according to his experience in the past two years, even if there is a school district near a prestigious school, it is also a parallel class. The teachers in the parallel class are not the best in this school, and the students in the parallel class also come in through the school district, which is no different from ordinary schools.

Behind this is the logic of grabbing high-quality students. "The high-quality students cultivated in this middle school certainly don’t want to be taken away by other schools, and the way to keep high-quality students is to enhance the reputation of their own schools. The reason why a good school is a good school is not only that it has strong teachers, but also that it needs a group of excellent students. Such a school is a famous school. Without good students, how can we show a good teacher? " Teacher Sun explained to Bowen the reasons for choosing a school, which is why he believes that he will not lose his job in this line of work.

Liu Teng said that the predecessors in the teaching and training industry taught him: "Just look at the price of the school district. As long as the price of the school district in a region is still rising, the teaching and training industry around it will last for a long time. Do you think so? What region would not want the degree in its jurisdiction to be valuable?"

(Note: Wen Bowen and Liu Teng are pseudonyms)

(This article was published in China Economic Weekly, No.22, 2023)

Manchester derby, the Red Devils can’t touch the blue moon at all.

Reporter Han Bing reports It’s 0 to 3 again, and it’s a huge gap with little strength to fight back. For the third time, Manchester United was defeated by Manchester City, the city’s sworn enemy, by more than 3 goals at home in the Premier League. If it weren’t for Onana’s Banksy pounce and many rescues, and Harland’s repeated missed opportunities, Evans would have suffered another embarrassing 1-6-even Manchester United couldn’t find anyone who scored that goal. The figures are cold and cruel: Manchester United under Ferguson lost only 34 times at home in 26 years, with an average of less than 1.3 games per season; But ten years after Sir Alex retired, Manchester United has lost 34 home games, averaging 3.4 games per season, almost increasing by 2.6 times!

This season, Manchester United have lost five games in the first 10 rounds of the Premier League, the most since nearly 37 years (1986/87 season, 10 games and 6 losses). Manchester United, once arrogant, now has a strength gap with Manchester City, the sworn enemy of the same city. Although Guardiola gave Tenghahe some face after the game, saying that it was not easy to beat Manchester United, other Premier League celebrities were not so polite. Shearer bluntly said that this was a "game between men and boys" and thought it was a completely unequal contest: "The result of the game only depends on how many goals Manchester City wants to score. Manchester United found themselves far behind, which is their most frustrating place."

Manchester City in Guardiola’s era has defeated Manchester United 9 times away from home, surpassing Arsenal (8 times); Among them, the Premier League beat Manchester United five times away from home, also surpassing Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur. Manchester City is worth 390 million euros more than Manchester United, close to Juventus (420 million) and more than Rome (360 million). The strength of players is in different orders of magnitude, so is the level of coaches.

After the game, Neville and Carragher argued about Manchester United’s tactical mistakes, while Neville emphasized that the sale of Manchester United affected morale. Neville also mentioned Maguire and Mount, saying that their original intentions were Manchester City and Liverpool, but they all joined Manchester United in the end: "Should the students be blamed or the teachers?" Carragher stressed that Manchester United are playing "weak football", and they have taken the initiative to show weakness since the beginning of Tenghahe’s coaching, which gives players a psychological hint that they are self-indulgent. Tactically, it is an indisputable fact that Manchester United can’t compete with Manchester City in midfield and can only rely more on long pass.

Tenghahe scored only 2.8 points after the game, which is the lowest score since the Dutch coach coached Manchester United. The reporter asked about the gap between the two teams. Tenghahe’s answer was similar to last year. At the end of September last year, Manchester City swept Manchester United 6-3 at home, but at the beginning of this year, Manchester United also retaliated 2-1 at Old Trafford, which shows that Manchester City is not invincible. Manchester United lost only 1-2 in the FA Cup final in June. Why is the gap so big now? Tenghahe even thinks that this is not his most disappointing game, because the tactical plan is well executed-but the reality is that the Red Devils have almost no plan, and the attack depends on long pass, the defense depends on Onana, and Harland’s "gift"?

Compared with the classic multi-player cooperation in Manchester City’s offensive end, especially the second goal from the backcourt attack to the goal, it took only seven passes to complete. In the whole process, Manchester United can’t even touch the ball, which is the most intuitive embodiment of the strength gap between the two teams in details. The media agreed that the "perfection" of the second goal completely crushed Manchester United’s already insufficient fighting spirit. Although Manchester United is at home, its shooting (7-20) and shooting (3-10) are only one third of Manchester City’s, its possession rate is less than 40%, and its clearance (24-9) is almost 2.7 times that of Manchester City, which shows the team’s embarrassment.

Morgan, Arsenal’s diehard friend and C Ronaldo’s friend, will certainly not miss this best opportunity to ridicule Manchester United and Tenghahe: he stressed that C Ronaldo has scored 43 goals this year when Manchester United’s front line is misfiring collectively. Compared with the active offensive end of Manchester City, Manchester United’s front line is collectively lost. Anthony, Garnacho, Hojlund and Marchal have scored and assisted in the Premier League all season so far, and Rachford, who has played the most time, has only one goal and one assist. Marchal, who was replaced, handed over almost zero data in 10 minutes, with 0 goals, 0 assists, 0 shots, 0 passes, 0 clearance, 0 interception, 0 foul and even 0 touch! What’s the point of such substitution?

Keane denounced the downturn of B-fee in the game, and stressed that it was long overdue to deprive such a bad player of the captain’s armband and deliver players with more leadership and willpower. B Fei is almost invisible in this field, winning only 1/3 in 12 confrontations and being beaten four times, which totally does not match his high social status and the status of Portugal’s central midfielder. Manchester Evening News rated Manchester United players as almost humiliating: Onana lost three goals but made seven key saves, including two dives, with the team’s highest score (7 points), and six of the 11 main players scored less than 4 points. Except for the goalkeeper, coach Teng Hah only scored 2 points.

Little Redknapp’s evaluation of the strength of the Manchester City Derby is more straightforward: "The home of the two teams is only 5 miles apart, but Manchester City has left Manchester City for more than 100 miles." The number of goals scored by Harland in the Premier League (11) equaled the number of goals scored by Manchester United (10). How embarrassing. Keane insisted that Tenghahe should take the blame and resign, because the Dutch coach didn’t know how to line up the strongest team. Tenghahe stressed that Manchester United had performed very well in the last three derbies and was severely criticized by Neville. If Tenghahe still wins with his mouth and doesn’t know how to reflect on himself, I’m afraid the days before he leaves Old Trafford will be numbered. After all, neither the Gr family nor the possible new shareholder Ratcliffe will tolerate Manchester United’s complete failure in the European War.

NBL Finals is just around the corner: welcome the audience back to the scene and constantly open up basketball territory.

Text | Sports Industry Ecosphere Liu Jintao

Edit | Chen Diandian

On September 15th, the semifinals of the 2023 National Men’s Basketball League (hereinafter referred to as NBL) are in full swing. The fourth match between Shaanxi Xinda and Guangxi Weizhuang has not yet ended, and the winner among them will play against Anhui Wenyi who advanced early in the final.

The finals is the peak stage of competitive sports. The 2023 season is a new year of NBL’s brand-new upgrade, which not only restored the home and away games, but also restarted the foreign aid system. This season, 12 teams participated in the competition, and even the Golden Bull Team of Hong Kong joined. This is the first time that the basketball territory of China really expanded to Hong Kong, and the league was held in 11 provincial administrative regions across the country.

The NBL situation in the new season is very anxious, and the broadcast screen and promotion of the event have been greatly improved compared with the past. With the opening of the NBL finals, more and more fans and brands are paying more attention to this league. We find that the influence and brand of NBL league are gradually occupying a new position in the hearts of the people.

Peak showdown! Welcome back to the audience, NBL is in full swing in 2023.

Before the start of the season, no fans may think that this season’s NBL is only in the regular season, and each team has actually fallen into a "big fight" competition pattern.

In the past four seasons, Guangxi Weizhuang was the most successful team in NBL. They not only reached the final finals for four consecutive years, but also successfully won the championship in 2021 and 2022, which was a faint dynasty. However, in the opening match that started this summer, Krypton witnessed the new army Hong Kong Golden Bull team win the defending champion Guangxi Weizhuang unexpectedly at the scene of Southorn Arena in Hong Kong, and also experienced the attention and passion of fans after the return of home and away games.

In the first three rounds of the regular season, all eight teams that reached the playoffs last season suffered defeat. Especially by the end of the season, Guangxi Weizhuang’s record was only 5 wins and 6 losses, including 3 wins and 4 losses at home and 2 wins and 2 losses away. It was the only team with a winning percentage at home lower than that at home, ranking seventh among 12 teams. On the other hand, the achievements of the three new armies newly joined in the season were somewhat unexpected: Liaoning Yisheng ranked second with 8 wins and 3 losses, and was firmly in the first group under the leadership of Hudson, the famous team of Liaoning in CBA and the scoring king of CBA history. The other two new armies, Hong Kong Jinniu and Jiangxi Ganchi, were both 4 wins and 7 losses, ranking eighth and ninth respectively.

This competition pattern of "feud between governors" lasted until the last moment of the regular season. The competition for playoff places was fierce, with 6-8 players only one win, and seven teams would compete for three playoff places, and the suspense remained until the last moment. In the playoff "life-and-death battle", Hong Kong Taurus was still 10 points behind at half-time, but they didn’t give up. They struggled with Changsha until the last minute and scored a go-ahead goal 22 seconds before the end. They finally defeated Wuhan Kunpeng 101-99 and won the last playoff spot with a big reversal.

Such fierce competition broke out completely in the playoffs. For example, in the semi-final on September 9, Anhui Wenyi and Liaoning Yisheng fought from the first game to the last moment, and Anhui Wenyi narrowly defeated her opponent at 120:118. On September 11th, Shaanxi Xinda and Guangxi Weizhuang fought in the second semi-final, and the two sides tied at the regular time until the last moment of overtime. In the end, Guangxi Weizhuang defeated his opponent by one point and equalized the big score of the series.

All these stadium stories not only stirred the blood and passion of the fans, but also paved the way for the "annual drama" of the finals. According to Krypton, this year’s NBL finals will adopt the "2-2-1-1-1" system of best of seven games, and even the fastest time to decide the champion will be on September 29th of the Mid-Autumn Festival. This system arrangement gives fans time and opportunity to fully enjoy the charm of NBL events, and creates preconditions for the spread of event stories, the expansion of IP and the influence of stars.

In the final, whether it is Anhui Wenyi or Guangxi Weizhuang and Shaanxi Xinda, which compete for the final seat, when these veteran teams meet again in the final, the fierce star confrontation and head coach’s fight will inevitably enhance the suspense of the game and fill the fans’ expectations.

Behind the fierce confrontation in the finals, a brand-new NBL league which is more and more popular with fans is coming to the fore, and behind this, it is indispensable for the organizers to carefully operate and upgrade.

Krypton learned that in the preparatory stage of NBL League, the organizers made some efforts to upgrade the brand of the event. After the home and away games were resumed, there were obvious changes in the broadcast standard of the event and the brand packaging design. The Logo of the new season, the improvement of the packaging and broadcast pictures of the stadium venue, will bring better experience to fans and spectators. All this is inseparable from the work of the organizers, but also from the support and cooperation of various clubs.

All these efforts have brought the stadium back to the enthusiastic fans and the audience in front of the screen. Krypton has learned that the attendance rate of clubs’ home courts can reach 70-80% this season, and some popular ball markets, such as Liaoning, Hefei, Shaanxi and Shijiazhuang, are frequently hard to find a ticket. The live broadcast data of the first five rounds of the regular season exceeded the whole year of last season. By the end of the regular season, the VV data reached 61.5 million, and the UV number reached 38.58 million, both of which were historical highs.

"From the aspects of competition organization, reception requirements in competition areas, broadcast signal production, media promotion and business development, we have made detailed requirements for all clubs, and organized various trainings many times before the competition to enable relevant standards and requirements to be implemented, and formulated a unified competition operation standard for the league. Wang Di, assistant general manager of Deep Basketball Sports, told Krypton.

"This year is, in a sense, a season of all-round upgrade of NBL League, which will allow more fans to watch NBL League and pay attention to NBL League. Wang Di said that the official accounts of all participating clubs can broadcast the match live this season, so as to give back to the home fans better and make the fans of the club feel more belonging when watching the live broadcast.

Attracting Hong Kong teams to join, NBL expands the basketball territory of China.

Sports is a concentrated expression of the development of culture and economy, and excellent IP can always attract investors’ attention. With the joining of Hong Kong teams, NBL League became the first domestic professional league with Hong Kong clubs participating and its home court set in Hong Kong.

It is understood that the Golden Bull Club of Hong Kong hopes to join a league that implements the system of subject and object. Considering that China has the largest basketball league in Asia and a huge basketball market, Taurus has set its sights on NBL. "By participating in high-level and highly antagonistic competitions, we believe that the Taurus team will surely become stronger and stronger, and deepen sports exchanges and cooperation with the mainland while upgrading the level of basketball in Hong Kong and promoting sports specialization and industrialization. "The club told Krypton.

In the course of the NBL campaign, the Hong Kong Jinniu team relied on the operation of the team culture to enhance the team’s fan appeal. Since June 1st, Taurus has started to operate social platform accounts including Weibo, Video No.,Tik Tok and Xiaohongshu, produced and published posters, player data, post-match videos and tidbits of each game, even including the team’s away games, all-star experience and many other contents, and also launched themes such as "Little Bulls Night Little Golden Bull Night" and "Retro Party’ Golden’ Night" for local fans in Hong Kong.

It not only brings fresh blood to the China mainland sports leagues, but also builds a bridge of basketball communication between Hong Kong and the mainland through the language of basketball, which proves that the sports culture communication between Hong Kong and the mainland is getting closer and closer.

"Under the background of Greater Bay Area’s construction, the promotion and exchange of basketball between Hong Kong and the mainland has played a positive role in further promoting the rejuvenation of the country’s three major goals and the development of professional sports, comprehensively deepening sports exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong and Macao, and helping Hong Kong integrate into the overall situation of national development. It is also one of the concrete measures to implement the construction of a sports power. The Taurus Club told Krypton.

Outside the team level, NBL League has also been favored by many sponsors this season. Including NBL’s official partner midfield line, official suppliers such as Jinuoer and Spalding have voted for olive branches, and the commercial value of the league has gradually picked up. At the same time, NBL has also provided a stage for more sports enterprises eager for upward development, helping the development of sports manufacturing industry from the competition level.

Run NBL well and water the fertile basketball soil in China.

Last year, BA, a village that burst into flames, created an empty lane and a hard-to-find scene. In this year, the popularity of village BA is further deepened. With the arrival of many "national versions" of village BA and the dedication of many social forces, rural basketball is opening up a new situation, driving the popularity of mass sports and mass basketball.

Behind this, the huge basketball population in China is being activated. According to the Report on the Development of Basketball in China released by chinese basketball association, the population of basketball in China is about 125 million, and basketball is the first sport of collective ball games.

NBL, as the only men’s professional basketball league held in summer in China, has played an important role in the comprehensive coverage and healthy development of professional basketball in China.

What’s more commendable is that NBL has extended professional basketball to places that are difficult to be covered by CBA, serving the basketball population in China with more dimensions. For example, Maitreya, Yunnan, the venue of this year’s All-Star Games, this little-known town has made great efforts to develop sports in recent years, and has successively held the World Free Fight Competition.China-AustraliaMen’s Basketball Challenge, Women’s International Half Marathon, National Cross-country Motorcycle Invitational Tournament, etc.

NBL has brought new opportunities for the development of sports in the city, enriching many basketball areas that are not covered by professional sports. As can also be seen from the figure, NBL has covered nine provincial-level administrative regions without CBA teams this season, most of which are concentrated in the inland of the motherland, and its geographical distribution also reflects the unique value of NBL league.

Where there is a lack of professional teams, NBL has sown the fire of professional basketball, igniting the love of more fans, just like the reflected sunlight, illuminating the seeds in the fertile soil of China basketball territory and creating a new environment for upward growth.

It is precisely because of the existence of NBL that more and more basketball teenagers and powerful players stand out from here. Zhao Rui, Cui Xiaolong and Jiang Yuxing, CBA stars, all started in NBL, and some rookies regard NBL as an alchemy furnace rushing to a higher stage. From 2015 to 2023, NBL sent 20 players to CBA through draft.

"NBL must take the development path of youth and localization. While ensuring the professional operation of the club, the Deep Basketball Association will cooperate with the association to introduce more policies to promote the healthy development of the league, attract more young players to join the NBL League, and make the NBL League a platform for outstanding players to enter professional basketball careers. "When talking about the future development, Wang Di told kryptonite.

"In addition, we should deepen the localization operation, make local fans feel more belonging through the youth training and fan exchange activities organized by the club itself, and truly build a professional basketball club belonging to a city. Wang Di said, "I hope that in the future, the NBL League will continue to’ open up the territory’ and strive to have teams in as many provincial administrative regions as possible, so as to contribute to expanding the territory of professional basketball events in China and building a sports power. 」

In the process of telling city stories, building basketball culture and shaping league brand, NBL is gradually conveying the concept of "My home court is infinite", which also makes the upcoming NBL finals open up a broad imagination space of local culture and home court atmosphere, and the roots of China basketball are also spreading at this time, affecting more people.

Looking back on the long years of NBL’s growth, although the league has ups and downs, it has laid the foundation for the development of sports leagues in China, and also represents the progress of basketball in China. In the new era, the sports industry expects NBL to continue to bring more excitement and practice the concept of basketball upgrading and development in China.


After Kardashian’s visit, Arsenal lost the title, and someone summed it up. They only scored 15 points out of 30 points & lost 2 titles.

Although the defeat in this game is a blow to Arsenal, it will not affect their performance in the Premier League this season. According to statistics, since Kim Kardashian visited Emirates Stadium in March, Arsenal have only scored 15 points in the past 10 rounds. In contrast, Manchester City performed well, scoring 30 points in these 10 rounds. However, although Arsenal have become a strong enemy in the Premier League this season, they still have a chance to regain the championship in future competitions.

Guangsha eliminated Guangdong! The referee almost ruined the classic game with a penalty, and Du Feng smiled and congratulated his opponent.

# Hundreds of teams #

On the evening of April 23rd, Beijing time, the CBA scored 8-4 in the playoffs, and the Guangdong team fought the Guangsha team. This is also the third game of the series, and whoever wins will enter the top four. In the games that have ended, Zhejiang team and Liaoning team have advanced, and these two teams are also popular for the championship. As the Shanghai team was deprived of playoff places, the Shenzhen team directly advanced to the top four, against the Zhejiang team with the first record in the league, while the winners of Guangdong team and Guangsha team will face Liaoning team in the top four.

In the first half of the game, the physical confrontation between the two teams was fierce. In the first quarter, Guangdong team was 1 point behind 18-19. In the second quarter, the offensive efficiency of both teams was significantly improved. With Hu Mingxuan hitting the buzzer for 3 points, Guangdong team scored 30 points in the second quarter, which also surpassed Guangsha team by 3 points. The score difference is not very big, and there is still a lot of suspense in the game. Because it is a life-and-death battle, both teams do their best at both ends of the attack and defense, and the game is quite exciting.

In the third quarter, Guangsha once led by 12 points, but Ma Shang Brooks scored continuously. After Hu Mingxuan scored 2+1, he also hit a 3-pointer. After the third quarter, Guangdong only fell behind by 2 points. For Guangsha team, Hu Jinqiu was injured in the game and has been playing on the sidelines. If he can’t play, Guangdong team will be more determined to attack Guangsha team’s insider.

In the last quarter, the referee’s penalty is a long story. Hu Jinqiu grabbed the offensive rebound and scored directly, but the referee fined Guangsha for 24 seconds. After the replay, the referee awarded 2 points. After that, the head coach of Guangsha team’s actions were intriguing, and he kept shaking his head. In fact, this round is really too obvious. The referee blew a 24-second penalty, which is really puzzling. Maybe many fans are also very dissatisfied and unfair to Guangsha team.

As the game went on, Guangsha team gradually found its state, and Hu Jinqiu kept grabbing the rebounds in the frontcourt, while core players such as Sun Minghui and Welch stood up at the crucial moment to help Guangsha team get a 7-point lead. In the end, Guangsha team eliminated Guangdong team, reached the top 4 of CBA playoffs and will play against Liaoning team. Hu Jinqiu scored 16 points and 22 rebounds, Sun Minghui scored 23 points, 5 rebounds and 8 assists, and Wiltzer scored 17 points and 6 rebounds. Guangdong Yi Jianlian scored 3 points and 7 rebounds, Du Runwang scored 14 points, Ma Shang scored 27 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists, Hu Mingxuan scored 15 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists, and Hamilton scored 16 points and 8 rebounds.

After the game, Guangdong players were very depressed, and coach Du Feng was also very helpless, but he still smiled and congratulated his opponent on his promotion. The pattern was very big. In fact, no team is a teacher who always wins. Even if Guangdong is the biggest club in CBA, it can’t always win. When the team has a peak, there will be a trough. The Guangsha team also has the best chance to win the championship, but the Liaoning team is a more terrible team than the Guangdong team.

There is no doubt that the duel between Guangsha and Guangdong is also the most exciting game in the 22-23 season, and almost every round is full of highlights. Fortunately, the referee blew the penalty of Guangsha for 24 seconds and corrected the mistake in time. Otherwise, it would really be full of controversy and ruin this classic battle. Shanghai team and Jiangsu team are lessons from the past. Now no team dares to fake the ball, and the referee will be very cautious about the penalty. As for the penalty for the 24-second violation, I would rather believe that the referee present really didn’t see the situation at that time, but nothing else. CBA8′ s entry into the fourth round has all ended, and then the four teams will compete for the championship, which makes people look forward to it very much.