David seidler, the screenwriter of The King’s Speech, died at the age of 86.

1905 movie network news According to foreign media reports, senior screenwriterbigdefendSeideler died at the age of 86. According to his agent, david seidler died while fishing in New Zealand on March 16th, local time. David seidler once relied onThe king’s speechWon the best original screenplay award at the 2010 Oscar, and the film also won the best film, director and leading actor at the current Oscar. He has also written plays for many films, such as Onassis: The Richest Man, Subversion Instruction, Pioneers, Stage Love and Our Days. 

Like it! The "gutter oil" took the plane to the sky and flew across the Pacific Ocean.

  CCTV News:In the early morning of the 22nd, a flight independently developed by China for bio-aviation kerosene was added and landed smoothly in Chicago, USA. Surprisingly,The bio-jet fuel filled in this flight is made of waste cooking oil, which is what we call waste cooking oil!

  The first transoceanic commercial passenger flight of bio-jet fuel in China

  This is the first trans-ocean commercial passenger flight of bio-jet fuel in China.

  Hainan Airlines 787, fueled with China Petrochemical No.1 bio-jet fuel, took off from the Capital Airport at 14:15 Beijing time on the 21st. Carrying 186 passengers and 15 crew members, it landed smoothly at Chicago O ‘Hare International Airport at 2:11 am Beijing time on the 22nd after 11 hours and 41 minutes.

  Captain Sun Jianfeng:

  The whole flight was very smooth and smooth. The maximum flying altitude has reached 41,000 feet. The engine is in good condition. Fuel is in good condition. The purpose of this verification flight was completely achieved.

  canEffectively reduce carbon emissions

  Bioaviation kerosene takes renewable resources as raw materials, mainly includingCoconut oil and palm oilEtc., even includingAnimal fat, waste fat on the table, which is what we often call "gutter oil".

  Sinopec No.1 Bio-jet fuel used for transoceanic commercial passenger flights is made from waste cooking oil and blended with conventional jet fuel at a ratio of 15:85.

  The use of bio-jet fuel can effectively reduce carbon emissions while ensuring the original flight safety and efficiency.

  △ Data Map/From vision china

  Large-scale emission reduction: equivalent to planting 300 million trees a year

  Statistics show that 1 ton of traditional jet fuel will emit 3.2 tons of carbon dioxide after burning. At present, China’s jet fuel consumption is about 30 million tons. If all of them are replaced by bio-jet fuel, at least 30% of each ton of bio-jet fuel will be reduced, which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 33 million tons a year, which is equivalent to planting nearly 300 million trees and stopping nearly 20 million economical cars for one year.

  Ji Yuan, deputy director of the Development Planning Department of the Civil Aviation Administration, said that bio-fuel is a very effective means for civil aviation to achieve the goal of emission reduction while expanding production.

  "Waste oil" breaks through the bottleneck of aviation industry development

  At the 2014 United Nations Climate Summit, China promised to reduce carbon emissions by 40%-45% by 2020, in which the civil aviation industry is a key target.

  Ji Yuan, Deputy Director of Development Planning Department of CAAC:

  The current goal of ICAO is carbon neutral growth after 2020. That is, after 2020, although production is still increasing, carbon emissions will no longer increase. Therefore, whichever country develops rapidly, the pressure on which country is bound to be great.

  The carbon dioxide emitted by biofuels can be absorbed by plants, and the carbon dioxide emission can be reduced by more than 35% or even more than 50% by this cycle. At the same time, it can also reduce the possibility of waste oil flowing to the table.

  Only four countries in the world have it.This technology

  China began to develop bio-jet fuel in 2006, and now it has become the second largest country after the United States, France and Finland.The fourth country with independent research and development technology of bio-jet fuel.

  In 2011, Zhenhai Refining & Chemical Company of China Petrochemical Company built the first demonstration device of bio-jet fuel industry in Asia in its production base, with an annual production capacity of 100,000 tons, which is enough for Beijing to fly to new york for 200-300 times.

What to buy for football: a professional guide helps you find the best choice.

Football is the most popular sport in the world, and it has a broad mass base, whether as a leisure or professional competition. If you are a football fan, or you just want to play football in your spare time, it is very important to choose a good football. This article will provide you with some professional guides to help you find the best football.

1. Material: The material of football is mainly divided into leather and synthetic materials. Leather football is usually more durable and feels better, but the price is also higher. Synthetic football is cheaper, but it may not be as durable as leather football. You need to choose the right material according to your budget and frequency of use.

2. Size: The size of a football is usually marked by its diameter. Generally speaking, the diameter of a standard match ball is 21.5 cm. However, for beginners, it may be better to choose a bigger football because it can help them control the ball better. If you are an adult or a teenager, you can choose a smaller football.

3. Weight: The weight of football is also very important, because it will affect your performance in the game. Generally speaking, the standard football weighs about 410 grams. If you often train for a long time, then you may need to choose a heavier football.

4. Brand: There are many well-known football brands in the market, such as Adidas, Nike and Puma. These brands of football have certain quality assurance, but also have their own characteristics in design. You can choose a brand according to your personal preference and budget.

5. Price: The price of football varies greatly, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan. Although the higher the price, the better the quality of football, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy a good football. Generally speaking, 100-200 yuan football is enough to meet the needs of most people.

6. Test: Before you buy a football, you’d better try it yourself. You can try a few kicks on different courts to see how the ball feels. In addition, you can also ask your friends to try it and listen to their feedback.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to choose a good football. The key is to choose according to your own needs and budget. I hope the above suggestions can help you.

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Yuanxiao is not suitable for breakfast. How to eat delicious Yuanxiao?

  Every Lantern Festival, that is, on the fifteenth day of the first month, there are all kinds of Yuanxiao, glutinous rice balls and rice cakes. I don’t know what to do. In fact, these Yuanxiao are mainly made of glutinous rice. The common glutinous rice is white and purple, and their nutritional components are basically similar to rice. Every 100 grams of glutinous rice contains about 7 grams of protein, 75 grams of carbohydrates and various vitamins. Yuanxiao and Tangyuan with different flavors are made through processing and ingredients, but their nutritional value is much higher than that of ordinary rice flour.

  Yuanxiao is not suitable for breakfast.

  The main component of Yuanxiao or Tangyuan is glutinous rice flour, which contains high carbohydrate, while the stuffing is mainly pure sugar and fruit, plus a large proportion of vegetable oil or animal oil, which has high nutrition and calories.

  Many people like to eat Yuanxiao as breakfast, which is not desirable. Li Yanling explained that in the morning, people’s gastrointestinal function is the weakest, and the main raw material of Yuanxiao skin is glutinous rice, which is highly viscous and difficult to digest. Once eating too much, it will cause pantothenic acid, heartburn and nausea. In addition, try not to eat Yuanxiao before going to bed, otherwise it will lead to bloating.

  When is the best time to eat Yuanxiao and Tangyuan except for breakfast and before going to bed?

  Experts suggest that it is best to eat between meals, 4 to 8 at a time. While eating Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, you can’t eat other foods with high sugar content. It should be noted that when eating Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, you should nibble slowly to avoid being scalded or choking your throat or trachea, causing injury. In addition, don’t eat cold Yuanxiao and fried Yuanxiao.

  After eating Yuanxiao and Tangyuan, it is best to take a walk, do exercise, facilitate gastrointestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, or eat some food that helps digestion. Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn has the effects of eliminating stagnation, astringing and stopping dysentery, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. When eating Yuanxiao with hawthorn, it can help digestion and guide stagnation, which is beneficial to digestion. In addition, you can also eat some Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets and yeast tablets to help digestion.

  What is the best match for Yuanxiao?

  Yuanxiao is made of sticky glutinous rice, and with compound stuffing, it is not easy to digest, so it’s okay to eat less. It is suggested that Yuanxiao should be accompanied by some digestive foods, such as hawthorn, barley wort, dried tangerine peel, raw radish and so on. Especially, raw radish contains mustard oil and crude fiber, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, eliminate stagnation, relax the stomach, help to discharge waste in the body, and also reduce the absorption of oil.

  Also remind: although Yuanxiao is delicious, it should be moderate, not for everyone. Patients with diabetes, kidney disease, chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis should not eat it, especially Yuanxiao, which is processed with sweeteners. Diabetic patients should also consider the total carbohydrate control.

  Yuanxiao’s "Original Soup into Original Food"

  After eating dumplings and cooking noodles, people often have a sentence to remind you not to throw away the soup. In fact, from a nutritional point of view, it is more extensive than "original soup to original food". How about eating Yuanxiao?

  When eating Yuanxiao, don’t forget to "eat the original soup". Glutinous rice flour contains more water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin B1 and vitamin B2, which are very important to human health. During the cooking process, some of them are dissolved in the soup. According to the determination, 45%-50% of the vitamin B1 is lost, and most of them are dissolved in the soup.

  Vitamin B1 can promote the synthesis of acetylcholine in human body, thus ensuring normal gastrointestinal peristalsis and digestive gland secretion. If lacking, it will directly affect the normal digestion, absorption and utilization of the human body. In addition, people also consciously use vegetable juice and other methods to add more food to the soup. In order to obtain nutrients more effectively, don’t forget to eat Yuanxiao soup.

  Who should not eat Yuanxiao?

  Diabetic patients: The sugar content of Yuanxiao is high. If patients covet the delicious food, their blood sugar will rise sharply, which will not only aggravate their illness, but also induce ketoacidosis.

  Patients with ulcer disease: Eating Yuanxiao can increase gastric acid secretion, aggravate the stimulation to ulcer surface, and even induce gastric bleeding and gastric perforation in severe cases.

  Gastrointestinal dysfunction: Yuanxiao is made of glutinous rice flour, which is sticky and difficult to digest. After eating, it can lead to stomach pain, bloating, belching, acid reflux and even diarrhea.

  Patients with acute gastroenteritis: The patient’s gastrointestinal tract is in a state of congestion and edema. Patients should eat some digestible foods such as rice soup and lotus root starch. Eating Yuanxiao will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

  Patients with high fever: The gastrointestinal tract of patients is relatively inhibited when they have fever, so they should eat some easily digestible food such as liquid food, otherwise it will aggravate the condition.

  Patients with hypertension, hyperlipidemia and gout: These patients are in danger of aggravating their condition by eating Yuanxiao, so it is advisable to eat less.

  Early recovery from a long illness: At this time, although the patient’s appetite has improved, his digestive function is still weak, and excessive consumption of Yuanxiao is not conducive to recovery.

  Old and infirm people: these people have decreased digestive function and lost teeth, especially the old people’s swallowing reflex is relatively slow, which may cause the Lantern Festival to get stuck in the throat due to rapid swallowing, leading to breathing difficulties and even suffocation and death.

  Infants and young children: Children’s digestive function is weak, and their swallowing reflex has not been fully developed. Therefore, when eating Yuanxiao, they should not eat it whole. They should be divided into 1/4, and then eat the second bite after eating one bite. Be sure to chew slowly in case something goes wrong.

  Four tips for cooking Yuanxiao.

  Under boiling water: After the water is boiled, put the Yuanxiao into the pot, gently push it away with a spoon, and let it rotate for several weeks without sticking to the pot wall.

  Slow fire cooking: after the Lantern Festival floats, quickly switch to slow fire. Otherwise, the Lantern Festival keeps rolling, and it is hard to eat when cooked outside.

  Point cold water: during the cooking process, add a small amount of cold water every time the pot is opened, so as to keep the Yuanxiao in the pot in a rolling state. Boil the water for two or three times, then cook for a while, and you can eat it. The dumplings cooked in this way are soft and hard, sweet and sticky.

  Cooking in time: the glutinous rice flour with raw Yuanxiao has more water content, which will deteriorate if it is left for a long time, and it is easy to boil when it is frozen. It is best to cook and eat the Lantern Festival now, and don’t leave it for more than 3 days. Once the color of the Lantern Festival is changed, it can’t be eaten. Now buy quick-frozen Yuanxiao should also be eaten in time, it is best not to store it for more than a week.

  In addition, when tasting Yuanxiao, whether it is boiled or fried, it should be cooked thoroughly. When frying Yuanxiao, it’s best to stick some holes in it to prevent it from bursting and scalding.

France banned the sale of fireworks during the National Day this year.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 10-The French government issued a decree on the 9th prohibiting the sale, possession, transportation and discharge of fireworks during the French National Day this year, in order to "prevent the public order from being seriously disturbed during the festival".

  July 14th is French National Day. According to Agence France-Presse, the fireworks ban is valid for two days on 14th and 15th, but the festival fireworks show organized by local municipal departments and professionals will not be affected.

  On the evening of July 2, the police patrolled near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, France. Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jingshe

  As the domestic riots that have lasted for many days tend to subside, the French government is making every effort to restore order. French Prime Minister Elizabeth borne told Le Parisien on the 8th that the government would use "a lot of means" to protect the people during the National Day.

  On June 27th, in Nanterre, Haute Seine, France, a 17-year-old boy was killed when a police officer stopped a car and fired. The incident caused strong reactions from all walks of life in France. Since the evening of June 28, riots in different degrees have continued to occur in many cities in France. Meanwhile, some rioters attacked the police with fireworks.

  On the evening of July 2, the police patrolled the Champs Elysé es in Paris, France. Xinhua News Agency reporter Gao Jingshe

  French President Emmanuel Macron said on July 4th that the "peak period" of riots has passed, but caution is still needed in the coming weeks.

  In addition, the French capital, Paris, the southern port city of Marseille, and many other places held rallies and demonstrations on the 8th to mourn the African-American French man adama Traore and oppose the police’s violent law enforcement. On July 19, 2016, 24-year-old Traore died while being detained by the police in the suburbs of Paris, which triggered demonstrations and riots in many places in France. (Wang Hongbin)

Innovating "Tea Forest and Fruit" Compound Management in Liping County to Release the Benefits of Family Farms

In recent years, Liping County has focused on the cultivation of new agricultural business entities, taking Tianyi Family Farm in Gaotun Street as a model, innovating the "tea and fruit forest" compound business model, supporting infrastructure, implementing variety interplanting and adjusting business methods, effectively solving the problems of extensive farm management, single model and low efficiency, and boosting industrial upgrading and efficiency.
First, supporting infrastructure to solve the problem of extensive management. According to the needs of seasonal harvesting, new sidewalks, water supply pools, aqueducts, sheds, workshops, leisure farms and other facilities will be built in the park to improve the level of farm management and protection, effectively manage and protect the tea trees planted in the park, reduce operating losses, and lay a solid foundation for the compound planting of "tea and fruit forests". At present, 6 kilometers of production access road, 600 cubic meters of irrigation pool and 4 kilometers of irrigation aqueduct have been built in the tea garden, which basically meets the needs of compound planting.
Second, interplanting forest and fruit trees to solve the problem of single business model. Explore the implementation of the "tea forest fruit" compound management model, make use of the biological characteristics of tea trees and the principle of symbiosis with other economic tree species, interplant the forest fruit varieties such as Taxus chinensis, camellia oleifera, blueberry and Myrica rubra between tea terraces and the edge of tea garden, improve the land utilization rate, enrich the tea garden ecosystem, improve the tea quality, achieve harvest all year round, and promote the "double growth" of agricultural output and labor demand. At present, the annual output of dry tea on the farm is more than 50 tons, and there are more than 10 kinds of forest and fruit trees, which has driven more than 500 farmers around to achieve employment at home, and the average household income has increased by more than 3,000 yuan.
The third is to strengthen the cultivation of the main body and solve the problem of low management level. Encourage and guide multi-enterprise cooperation and promote resource sharing and technology sharing. At the same time, by providing technical guidance, tea green purchase, processing and sales and other services in the whole industry chain, the farm drives the masses to grow tea, achieving a win-win situation for enterprises and farmers. Up to now, there are more than 10 cooperative tea enterprises between surrounding tea enterprises and Tianyi Family Farm, involving more than 3,000 mu of tea garden area; Drive 38 tea farmers to plant 278 mu of tea, and the annual income of the masses reaches more than 830,000 yuan.
The fourth is the integration and development of tea tourism to solve the problem of low operating efficiency. Relying on the resource advantages of "tea and fruit forest" garden, we will build a recreational tourism and leisure sightseeing experience park, and develop formats such as garden viewing, tea and fruit picking, and processing experience of special agricultural products, so as to promote the integrated development of tea tourism, release consumption potential and stimulate the vitality of family farms. Since 2023, Tianyi Farm has received more than 4,000 tourists and earned more than 50,000 yuan. (Liping County People’s Government Network)

Football synthesis: the top 16 men’s soccer teams are released

Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, September 25th (Reporter Wei Yijun) On the 25th, there were seven football matches in the Hangzhou Asian Games. The men’s soccer team finished the last round of group matches, and all the top 16 were produced. The women’s football team played five games, and Vietnam, South Korea, Uzbekistan and Japan all beat their opponents by a big margin.

In the final round of the men’s soccer group match of the Asian Games, China lost to Uzbekistan 1-2 in Group C, and Japanese team beat Palestinian team 1-0 in Group D..

The score result of football match on 25th.

According to the rules, the top two of the six groups and the third place of the four best teams advanced to the top 16. The top two teams from China and India in Group A, Iran and Saudi Arabia in Group B, Uzbekistan and Hongkong, China in Group C, Japan and Palestine in Group D, South Korea and Bahrain in Group E, North Korea and Kyrgyzstan in Group F, and the four best teams, the third Myanmar, Qatar, Thailand and Indonesia, advanced.

According to the schedule, the China Men’s Football Asian Games team will play Qatar in the quarter-finals on the 27th.

The women’s football team played five games on the same day, and there were big scores in four games. In Group A, Uzbekistan beat Mongolia 6-0, ranking second in the group after China. In Group D, Vietnam beat Bangladesh 6-1, while Japan beat Nepal 8-0. In Group E, China lost to Myanmar 0-1, while South Korea beat the Philippines 5-1.

Exercise may also accelerate aging! Reminder: Four kinds of exercise can not strengthen the body, but hurt it.

No one can stop the passage of time, no one can stop the appearance from aging slowly, and no one can escape the occurrence of diseases. But we can feel, experience and enjoy life. People always say: "Life lies in exercise, life never stops, and exercise never stops". Only through exercise can we feel our heartbeat and vitality.

When exercising, it will stimulate our bodies and make our muscles and bones stronger and stronger, which will help to slow down the aging of the body. At the same time, some people think that if we are exposed to the sun for a long time in outdoor sports, our skin will be greatly damaged, so it will look older.

According to research, some people exercise properly every week, which can not only help us stay young, but also make our bodies healthier. However, if you consume more than 3500 kilocalories a day, the aging speed of your body will be greatly accelerated.

And exercise can bring great changes to the body. It can not only make people from fat to thin, from thin to strong, but also make sick people energetic. However, do you know that if you exercise improperly, it may also cause a "major blow" to our bodies and threaten our health.

1, the movement way is wrong

If the posture and manner are incorrect during the whole exercise, it will also lead to physical injury. Especially when running, our calves should be at 90 degrees to the ground. When walking, we should also hold our heads up and chest out, and don’t look down at our mobile phones. In addition, when playing basketball or badminton, it sometimes stops suddenly.

At this time, the contact between the calf and the ground stops instantly, and the thigh and upper body will have forward inertia, which will easily overload the cruciate ligament. Therefore, exercise in life must pay attention to whether the exercise mode is correct, which can also reduce the damage to the body.

2. Do not warm up before exercise

A good warm-up before exercise is helpful for formal exercise. Before the main activities, some stretching and other exercises can prepare for more intense sports activities. Generally speaking, warm-up exercises last for 5 to 10 minutes, and it is best to sweat slightly.

Its purpose is to promote the increase of heart rate, stimulate respiratory rate, increase blood flow, help deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles, and help raise the temperature of muscles, which can play a series of roles such as reducing injury risk coefficient, regulating mental state and improving the excitability of nervous system.

3. Short-term excessive exercise

Exercise should be done step by step. If the physical strength of middle-aged and elderly people can’t keep up, but they concentrate too much exercise in a short time, excessive exercise will make their bodies unbearable. If they don’t have a good rest, it will lead to physical fatigue and double physical and mental stress. Therefore, it is suggested to arrange reasonable exercise intensity according to your own situation.

Once you feel that your physical ability can’t keep up, you should change your training plan in time, otherwise it is likely to cause damage to our muscles, bones and joints. If there are special circumstances that need to focus on short-term training, it is suggested to start with local training, such as aerobic exercise and endurance training.

4. Morning exercise on an empty stomach

Many old people get up early in the morning. They think that the plan of the day lies in the morning, so they will get up early to exercise, which they think is good for their health. But there are many news reports that the old man died suddenly because of morning exercise. What caused this?

This is because a lot of calories are consumed during exercise, and the energy of human body mainly comes from carbohydrate, fat and protein in food. If we exercise on an empty stomach in the morning, our body can only rely on the fat in our body to maintain energy. Moreover, when exercising on an empty stomach, the free fatty acids in the blood will continue to rise, which is particularly easy to lead to hypoglycemia and even sudden death in severe cases.

1. Good eating habits

The correct way to keep healthy is to eat regularly and healthily. A healthy diet focuses on reducing oil, salt and sugar, but this is not simply a vegetarian diet. And eating the wrong food in life will also pose a threat to our health. So the correct way to keep healthy is to eat three meals regularly. Only when nutrition is provided on time can the digestive system function normally.

In addition, eat less heavy-tasting, greasy and irritating food, so as to ensure adequate nutrition intake and supplement more vitamins, dietary fiber and protein to maintain good health.

2. Keep a good attitude.

Our memory is most directly related to our state of mind, and a good state of mind can help us maintain the best state of our brain. If our brains are not good, our brains will be under great pressure, which will consume a lot of energy. If the body becomes very nervous, it will often make mistakes, such as endocrine disorders. Therefore, we must keep a good attitude, which is as important as gold, and a good attitude will also help us indirectly improve our health.

In order to keep healthy, we should learn some correct methods of keeping in good health, keep a regular life, eat a healthy diet, keep a happy mood, learn to self-regulate bad emotions, and carry out scientific physical exercise.

GameSpot commented on the best PC games in 2022: 5 models including Two-Point Campus.

Foreign media GameSpot has selected five PC games that they think are the best in 2022, in no particular order. Let’s take a look.

The Case of the Golden Idol.

《Neon White》

Rush and finish simulator


Two-point campus

This season, the top five leagues made a list of goals: Bayern & Paris tied for the most 7 times.

Live broadcast: On March 11th, OPTA, a data website, counted the number of times that five major league teams created shooting opportunities through high-level grabbing and finally turned them into goals this season. Among them, Bayern created 47 shots through high-level grabbing, and scored 7 goals, which tied for the most with Paris. The following is the specific situation:

The number of shots (the number of goals) created by the high position.

1. Bayern 47 times (7 goals)

2. Paris 46 times (7 goals)

3. Arsenal 45 times (6 goals)

4. Naples 40 times (5 goals)

5, Manchester United 40 times (4 goals)

6. Lyon 40 times (3 goals)

(Chenpi is not orange)